Woohoo!  Access details for the [lead magnet/previous offer] are on their way to your inbox.  

But before you go, be sure to check out the limited-time special offer below that will help you to [achieve a quick win]!  ⬇️⬇️⬇️


Get my [tripwire offer name] for [x% off] and take the next step toward [result]!

One sentence about how your tripwire offer is fast and easy to implement and produces a quick win that is appealing to your ideal customer.

This [product name/type] is normally priced at $x, but you have the chance to purchase it here for a fraction of the usual price!

Normal Price

Discounted Price

100% Want This

The [Tripwire Offer Name] will [benefit].  All you have to do is: 

  • Step 1
  • Step 2
  • Step 3
  • Step 4

Using the template will make it easy and quick for you to [get a quick win or start making progress toward something bigger].  And if you act quickly and purchase the [offer type] while you're on this page, you can get it for over x% off!  

Let's Do It!

Here's what's included in this [tripwire offer name]:

Feature 1

Description of the thing that's included OR one of the benefits that the tripwire offer provides.

Feature 2

Description of the thing that's included OR one of the benefits that the tripwire offer provides.

Feature 3

Description of the thing that's included OR one of the benefits that the tripwire offer provides.

Grab it now for x% off the regular price

Using this [product type] will help you to [take initial step/get simple result].

The [tripwire offer name] shows you exactly how to/ helps you take the first step toward/ saves time/ makes things easy/ etc.


This [offer type] is for you if you want [outcome] but you don't know where to start/don't have enough time/other barrier. 


And if you act now and purchase it on this page, you'll get [discount] off the regular price. 

Lock in the Savings!

My name is [your name], and my mission is to help [client type] to get [big picture result], without [the thing they want to avoid].

Put a short bio here, especially if you can relate to the challenges your ideal clients are facing right now. 

Talk about how you were once in their shoes but then you solved the problem and now you can give them the steps/tools/etc. so that they can get the results they want too. 

You can also include one or two little personal facts about yourself so they can get to know you. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Special Discount on This Page Only!

[Get a Specific Result] with this [product type]!

The [name of tripwire offer] includes everything you need to [get a desired benefit] in just [timeframe]:

  • Included thing 
  • Included thing
  • Included thing

This [product type] normally sells for $x, but you can get it for $y off on this page only!

Regular Price

Discounted Price

Can't say no to this deal!