for coaches and course creators

Attract your ideal customers and grow your email list with a done-for-you Kajabi Freebie Funnel Template Kit

The Kajabi Freebie Funnel Template Kit provides you with plug-and-play Kajabi templates that will help you to quickly and easily set up an attractive and effective system for growing your email list!

Get your hands on it here!

for coaches and course creators

With the Kajabi Freebie Funnel Template Kit, growing an email list full of your ideal clients is as easy as 1-2-3!


Customize the freebie opt-in page to showcase your valuable free resource

✓ Instructions included in the kit


Set up an automated email to deliver the freebie after someone opts in

✓ Instructions included in the kit


Welcome and nurture your new subscriber to develop the know, like and trust factor

✓ Instructions included in the kit

nice to meet you!

I'm Christina Rava

Creating an online course is one of the best ways to scale your wellness business without trading time for money, but in order for your launch to be successful, it's important to have an audience of people who are a good fit for your offer.  

I designed the Kajabi Freebie Funnel Template Kit to help you to attract your ideal clients and convert them to email subscribers.

In addition to the Kajabi page templates, this kit also includes click-by-click video tutorials that will show you exactly how to set up your lead generation system in Kajabi.

By using the Kajabi Freebie Funnel Template Kit, you'll be able to start growing your email list in no time!

For coaches and consultants

Set up an effective lead generation system with these customizable, easy to use templates!

One of the best ways to set yourself up for success as a course creator is to grow an email list of your target customers and build authority and trust with them, and this template kit will help you to get started quickly and easily.  

All you have to do is plug in your content and follow the simple tutorials to set up your automated lead generation system.  

I'm ready to attract leads!