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Ready to Simplify Kajabi Course Creation so You Can Scale Your Business Faster?

Join the Kajabi Course Challenge to learn the exact step-by-step process for selling an online course with Kajabi, in just 4 days!

Join the Kajabi Course Challenge

You're ready to take advantage of all the powerful features that Kajabi has to offer for course creators, but...

✗ The idea of learning how to navigate a new platform is overwhelming, especially if you're not 'techy'

✗ You have a crazy busy schedule and don't have the time to figure it out how to use Kajabi on your own

✗ You need guidance on how to make your course organized, easy to navigate, and have a polished and professional look 

If you're nodding your head, you're in the right place, because the Kajabi Course Challenge was designed exactly for business owners like you! 

Heck Yes! Join the Challenge >

The Kajabi Course Challenge

Let's Explore the Challenge Schedule Together:

DAY 1 

Lighting-Fast Course Dashboard Setup

We'll kick things off with a demonstration of how you can set up your entire course content outline in Kajabi in just 10 minutes or less!

This outline of course modules and lessons will provide you with a structured and organized way to deliver the ccontent to your students for a seamless course experience. 

DAY 2 

Making it Pretty: Course Branding and Design

Next you'll learn how to customize the look and feel of your Kajabi course dashboard to create an on-brand, professional aesthetic for your course. 

Branding templates will be provided so you don't have to be a designer to make your course dashboard look amazing!

DAY 3 

Getting Paid: Kajabi Course Payment Options

On Day 3 we'll cover howto collect payments for your Kajabi course. 

You'll learn about your options for payment processors, how to offer split payment plans, and how to increase average order value with order bumps and upsells. 

DAY 4 

Strategic Selling: Your Course Sales Page

Finally, get ready to sell your course with simple Kajabi landing page. 

Use a done-for-you template and section-by-section copy guidelines to easily create a course sales page that's designed to convert leads into customers.

Meet Your Challenge Host

Nice to meet you!  I'm Christina Rava

I'm excited to offer you this challenge experience because I believe that Kajabi is the best platform for starting and growing an online course business.

Not only does it give you a place to host your content, but it also provides tools that you can use to grow your course business through marketing, sales, lead generation, and community building.

And with a proven step-by-step process to follow, getting your course set up on Kajabi can actually be quite easy!  

Learn how to do it in 4 simple steps through the Kajabi Course Challenge. 

Join Now!

"Christina is fabulous to work with.  She helped our ‘get set up and launched’ period feel less overwhelming and even very manageable."

~ Maggie J.

“Working with Christina was exactly what I needed.  Her detailed and actionable recommendations made all the difference to me as a first time course creator!" 

~ Carole W.

"When working with Christina, you have no reason to look anywhere else for help with getting your course set up.  She is a Kajabi course launch genius and is extremely knowledgeable and exceptional with the support she offers."

~ Verna L.

"Christina might be a Kajabi angel!  She came into my online-course-building life at just the right time. I was exhausted and needed help!   When I think of doing all that work by myself I could faint."

~ Cindy L.

"Christina's depth of understanding of Kajabi was evident as she suggested perfect solutions for the nuances of our business. We mostly needed technical help, and she knew the software inside and out."

~ Sue C.

"I was new to Kajabi and feeling super overwhelmed with navigating it, but the minute we started working with Christina, everyone on our team breathed a sigh of relief.  I cannot imagine using Kajabi without her."

~ Anna M.


Is perfect for:


Coaches and experts who:

  • Have a an established business and proven track record of getting their clients results
  • Want to grow their income and impact but are feeling burned out from offering 1:1 coaching or services
  • Are ready to take advantage of the features Kajabi offers for scaling your business online with a course


Is perfect for:


Coaches and experts who:

  • Have a an established business and proven track record of getting their clients results
  • Want to grow their income and impact but are feeling burned out from offering 1:1 coaching or services
  • Are ready to take advantage of the features Kajabi offers for scaling your business online with a course

The Bottom Line Is...

Kajabi was built specifically for course creators, and learning how to use it will make launching your course easier and faster for you.

Here's what you'll get when you join the Kajabi Course Challenge:

Easy-to-follow, step-by-step tech training that shows you exactly how to set up and sell a course with Kajabi 

 Lifetime access: the challenge training will be sent directly to your inbox so that you can watch it at your convenience, and you'll have lifetime access to it so you can refer to it whenever you need to

 BONUS Five days of live office hours via Zoom so that I can personally support you and answer your questions (November 11-15)

 BONUS Course Content Planner to help you plan out your course modules and lessons

 BONUS Course Brand Boards for designing the look and feel of your course

 BONUS Course Sales Page Checklist so that you know exactly what to include to convert leads into sales



Join the Kajabi Course Challenge Now!