A-Z Course Creation & Launch Checklist

Skip the Overwhelm and Create a Detailed Plan That Will Keep You Organized and On Track with Your Course Launch

Get it now for $9

One-time payment (yes, really!)

As a coach or service provider, you're tired of meetings, deadlines, and never-ending to-do lists, and want a way to scale your revenue and create more spaciousness in your calendar at the same time... 


...And you know that an online course is exactly what you need to achieve that goal.


The problem is, you're a bit (ok, very) overwhelmed when it comes to getting started and actually creating and launching your offer. 

Do any of these sound familiar?

⃯✧ You don't really know what's actually involved with creating and launching an online course and the amount of information out there feels really overwhelming


⃯✧ You're worried you'll miss a step or do things out of order and end up messing up your launch


⃯✧ You're so busy already that you don't have time to waste trying to figure things out on your own, and you want a more efficient and organized way to go through the course launch process. 

If you’re over there nodding (and wincing), I’ve got some good news to share

There's a simple way to skip past the overwhelm, stop procrastinating, and finally get clear on exactly what you need to do to create and launch an online course!


The A-Z Course Creation and Launch Checklist

A comprehensive checklist to help you create a clear plan of action for going from 'just an idea' to launching your course in 90 days or less!

With the A-Z Course Creation & Launch Checklist, you'll be able to:

Follow a proven framework for creating and launching a course so there's no guesswork involved and you know exactly what to do when.

Cut the overwhelm by breaking the project down into smaller, more manageable tasks that you can focus on one at a time.

Stay on track with internal deadlines so that you don't have to push your launch date back and can start making money from your course ASAP.

And the best part? You can get it for just $9.

this is exactly what I need!

What They're Saying

Because this is a brand new resource, there are no testimonials for it just now. But here's what my clients and students have to say about working with me

"Working with Christina has far exceeded my expectations! I finally found someone who has helped me simplify and go from total overwhelm to excited to launch!”

~ Paula P.

"Christina helped me avoid getting stuck in overwhelm and moved me straight to understanding the best ways for me to move forward with my launch.  Thank you, Christina, for providing clarity and calm on what can often be a confusing path of business building!"

~ Caitilin T. 

"Christina helped our ‘get setup and launched’ period feel less overwhelming and even very manageable.  I appreciated her approach of educating us, showing relevant examples and empowering us to do the work ourselves.”

~ Maggie J.

What's included in your purchase - for just $9!

✔️ Detailed checklist (delivered in Google Sheets) with five sections: course planning, content creation, tech setup, sales system, and marketing/launch prep

✔️ 19-minute video training: a quick walkthrough of the the launch creation and launch process, and an overview of the checklist so that you know how to use it

✔️ BONUS Course Content Planning Worksheet

Let's do this thing

You Might be Wondering...

Hi, I’m Christina!

I'm a designer and coach turned course creator, big time introvert, and responsibility-juggling mom of 2.

It took me half a year to launch my first course, and we all know that time is money! 

I could've been profiting from my course much sooner if I had had a clear and organized roadmap to follow. 

Once I discovered a 'rinse and repeat' system, I was able to launch my next offers much more quickly, and now I want to share my system with you so that your first launch doesn't have to be confusing and time consuming like it was for me. 

I packed my entire start-to-finish course creation and launch process into this 5-part checklist, so that you can confidently get your offer out into the world without feeling overwhelmed, missing important steps, or pushing back your launch date.  

Whether you use the checklist yourself or hand it off to a VA, this step-by-step planning tool will save you time, keep you focused, and help you to start selling your course in 90 days or less!

What They're Saying

Because this is a brand new resource, there are no testimonials for it just now. But here's what my clients and students have to say about working with me

"Christina provided way more value than I anticipated. I feel empowered to get going with something that has really been scaring me!"

~ Eileen M.

"Christina pays attention to the smallest detail to make sure that everything is meticulously laid out for a successful course launch."

~ Verna L.

Christina took a very daunting project and broke it down into a smaller more manageable pieces that I could easily understand." 

~ Anita P.

Ready to get organized so that you can finally get your course out into the world and achieve that time freedom and revenue you've been dreaming of?

Overwhelm and procrastination end here!  This checklist will keep you focused, on track, and confident that you've got everything covered when it comes to your course launch.

hand over the checklist!

$9 One-time payment (yes, really!)